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Summer 2023

During the first half of the Summer Term we did lots of exciting learning, as well as playing some competitive sports, going out on a trip and dressing up...a lot! Here's a small selection of all the photos that we took. 

Our Local History topic

The Arrival

We studied a book without words in English and it involved us doing lots of drama activities. Here we are in freeze-frame after creating tableaus as our character arrives in a new country and is puzzled to see how different everything appears to be. 


A group of our Year 5s travelled to Pershore Tennis Club to take part in a schools tournament. They fought bravely and had a great time.

The Commandery

As part of our Local History topic we looked at The English Civil Wars and the role that our local area played in the events. We visited The Commandery which had a vital role in the Battle of Worcester and had a wonderful day dressing up, acting out scenes from Civil War life and immersing ourselves in the period.

Year 4 Cricket Competition

A squad of Year 4 pupils attended a cricket competition at Pershore Cricket Club and performed brilliantly as a team, supporting and encouraging each other and playing some excellent cricket. We finished a really brilliant 3rd and were only a few runs short of making the final!

Dressing Up!

Thanks to the generosity of a pupil in Class 2 we all got the opportunity to dress up as a Civil War musketeer. 

Design Technology

Our final DT unit of the year saw us designing and sewing soft toys. We used a range of materials and several different stitches to create our toys. The designs were highly imaginative, ranging from the cute to the bizarre, and everybody had a wonderful time. 
