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Summer 1 2023

We had a brilliant first half of the summer term, but unfortunately Mrs C didn't take photos of what we did!


We started learning about the Romans in history and used some Roman myths in English. We used the stories of Romulus and Remus and Jupiter and the Bee to write some fantastic descriptions, stories and letters. We also wrote non-chronological reports about the Roman Army.


In maths we were looking at fractions and learning to tell the time. We also learned how to code using Purple Mash on the Ipads which was lots of fun.


In science we found out about some really interesting scientists. Stephen Hawking was an astrophysicist who discovered lots of information about black holes, Katherine Johnson was an amazing mathematician who worked for NASA and wrote code to help the USA land on the Moon and also helped to save the people on Apollo 13! Rachel Carson was a Marine Biologist, author and conservationist who worked to ban pesticides which led to the setting up of the US Environmental Agency.


