School Development Plan 2018-19 Summary
1. Teaching, Learning and assessment
- Further improve teachers' subject knowledge and pedagogy in writing and spelling with a focus on rich quality texts to improve writing outcomes for all learners.
- Improve outcomes in core areas for all pupils with a particular focus on pupils not yet at Age Related Expectations
- Plan purposeful and tailored interventions to improve the teaching of phonics especially for pupils who did not pass the Year 1 phonic check.
- Children in receipt of PPG and/ or SEND make good- accelerated progress.
2. Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare
- To embed our practice and ensure that we continue to offer a school life based on positive mental health and well being for children, staff, parents and governors.
- To implement a mastery curriculum based on current themes in society where children can make crucial links to their daily lives and other areas of the curriculum. Obesity will be our chosen theme for us all to learn about and how it is important to prevent.
3. Outcomes for Pupils
- Pupils in all year groups and of all abilities (including the most able) are set challenging goals, produce work that deepens their knowledge, understanding and skills and, make good - accelerated progress from their starting points.
- Pupils achieve or exceed standards expected for their age nationally at the end of EYFS and KS1.
- Provide targeted interventions for pupils who need additional support in phonics, writing and social and emotional areas. Interventions for more able pupils specifically in English and Maths.
- Ensure disadvantaged and those with SEND make good progress and achieve well compared to their prior attainment and starting points so that they are well prepared for their next stages in education
4. Leadership and Management
- Provide high quality CPD for leaders of all levels including the governing body so that all leaders maintain and demonstrate the highest expectations for all pupils
- Senior Leadership team works closely with the diocese to continue to improve school effectiveness in relation to teaching and learning, scrutinising data, monitoring English and Maths.
- Conduct a GDPR audit by our DPO and write up an action plan.
5. Early Years
- Ensure outstanding progress from relative starting points (baseline assessment) for the youngest children is made in all 17 areas of learning in order to maximise the percentage of pupils achieving GLD by the end of the year.
- Continue to raise standards in core areas especially early writing and reading to ensure standards continue to improve
- To improve the outside area provision so that children can access a range of areas independently to improve reading, writing and early language skills.