How History is taught at Church Lench CE First School
At Church Lench C E First School history is central to our overarching curriculum. We have carefully planned the chronology of our history curriculum to enable the children to study a wide range of historical periods from pre-history to the recent past. By the time the children leave Church Lench they will have learned about important events that have shaped our world and be able to question and explore the impact of those events through a range of primary and secondary sources.
Class 1
In class 1 history is taught very closely together within the half termly topic. There are 6 topics covered within a year on a 2 yearly cycle. Skills are covered from the Year 1 curriculum and ‘Understanding the World’ and ‘People, Culture and Communities’ from EYFS. Role play is a vital component of learning about aspects of history for children in Class 1 so that they are able to understand, communicate and empathise with people and events.
Class 2 and 3
In both Class 2 and 3 history is taught weekly during a history topic. Very often our English is closely linked with our history topic where we use high quality texts to strengthen and broaden the children's history knowledge. During history sessions children are exposed to primary and secondary sources of information. They think critically about how reliable sources of information are and learn about people, places and events that have shaped history and how they live today.