The first half term we focused on responsibility. The Bible teaches that life is a gift from God and it is our responsibility to use our talents and abilities in the best way we can.
We looked at our vision and thought about trying our hardest and having a positive attitude towards our work and goals. It is our responsibility to work as hard as we can, persevere, have high hopes and aspirations.
We then looked at these areas of responsibility.
1) Responsible for our words. In the Bible James says that ' All kinds of animals, reptiles and sea creatures are being tamed by mankind, but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. James 3:7-8
2) Taking responsibility for our time. Proverbs: 'Lazy people should learn a lesson from the way ants live. they have no leader, no chief or ruler, but they store up their food during the summer, getting ready for winter'. We thought about the Ant and the Grasshopper and how the ant used his time responsibly.
We talked about ways that we could waste time and make more effective use of our time.
Effective use of time | Waste of time |
being organised | complaining |
playing board or card games | gossiping |
taking up a hobby | spending too much time online/ social media |
playing a sport to keep fit and healthy | waiting for something to happen |
attending a social gathering | worrying too much |
reading books | being around negative people |
comlpeting homework | doing other people's work |
A Time For Everything
Ecclesiates 3
There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens
a time to be born and a time to die
a time to plant and a time to uproot
a time to kill, a time to heal
a time to tear down and a time to build
a time to weep and a time to laugh
a time to mourn and a time to dance
a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them
a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing
a time to search and a time to give up
a time to keep and a time to throw a way
a time to tear and a time to mend
a time to be silent and a time to speak
a time to love and a time to hate
a time for war and a time for peace.
The Coins of Elijah, (tales from Judaism) by the worship committee about putting money to good use and being responsible to watch it grow to benefit others.
The Good Samaritan Luke 10:25-37
Being Responsible for Others 'Love they Neighbour'
Parable of the Sower by Bob Hartman
So Sow!
How we are responsible for nurturing our relationship with God
'If your seed falls on rocky ground you may choose not to follow God's word' Tristan Yr 5
You are responsible for following God's rules and by showing love and respect your relationship with God will grow' The Good soil will nurture that relationship with God. Noah Yr 4
Jesus used this parable to explain to his followers and the disciples how there are different responses to the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ. The sower in the parable is Jesus and the seed is the word of God (both Jesus's spoken word and today the Bible). The hard ground represents someone with a hardened heart full of sin that hears the word of God but does not accept it. Satan is able to keep this person from growing at all. The stony ground is someone who shows interest and awareness in the Gospel, yet his heart isn't fully convicted so that when trouble comes to his faith is not strong enough to stand. The thorny ground is a person who receives the Gospel but who has many other idols and distractions in life - worries, riches, and lusts, which take over his mind and heart and he cannot grow in the truth of God's Word. The good soil is someone who has heard and received the Word of God and allows it to take root and grow within his life. This person represents true salvation that bears good fruit.
Experience Harvest
Bringing our Local Community Together
Experience Harvest
Church Lench CE First School hosted an ‘Experience Harvest Day’ on Monday 10th October. This creative, hands on day enabled all children to gain a fuller understanding of the significance of what harvest means and nature’s growth. Children were able to explore how the spirit of God produces growth in character, revealed in what the Bible calls the ‘Fruit of the Spirit’.
Children visited 6 different stations in the school hall, where members of the local community helped children to discover more about the natural world providing rich harvests for everyone to enjoy. These included the garden, ocean, flock, grain and the earth. Children were able to learn about those who risk great danger to harvest the fish, feel the wool from newly sheared sheep, handle and make clay pots from the earth, plant seeds from the garden and taste the bread made from the grain of ears of wheat.
As well as learning about all the different aspects of harvest, the children thought about the fruit of the spirit that can grow in all our lives, like patience, generosity, joy and peace. The experience was later linked to the Jewish festival of ‘Sukkot’ where symbols of fruit were hung on an outside shelter to reflect on how God’s people come together to remember and give thanks for God’s goodness.
This day was such a fantastic experience for all pupils and it was so lovely to invite members of our local community to come and talk to the children about harvest. The children learnt so much about how everyday products such as food and clothing are sourced and enjoyed creating their own products to take home. A huge thank you to Mrs Ferguson who organised the whole day and the volunteers who gave up their time to come and talk to the children.
Worship committee
The Parable of the Talents Matthew 25:14-30
This was acted ut for the school sending a very clear message
1) Make sure you use the gifts God gave us wiesly
2) Be responsible for using your gifts and making them grow bigger
3) Don't waste time on other things like too much technology as you have a great talent or gift from God
4) if you don't use your special gift God could take it away and give it to someone else.