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Results 2017-18

Early Years Data 2017-18

Each child represents 8%

Our school data this year shows that 83% of the reception cohort achieved a good level of development. The national result was 71.5% achieving GLD


Year 1 Phonics Data 2017-18

Each child represents 7%

67% of our Year 1 cohort passed the phonic check compared with the emerging national of 83%. The result reflects  our GLD data of that year. 


Key Stage 1 Year 2 Data 2017-18

Each child represents 12.5%

75% of the cohort achieved expected standard in R,W,M

75% achieved expected standard in reading with 64% Greater depth. 

75% achieved expected standard in writing with 25% Greater depth 

75% achieved expected standard in maths with 64% Greater depth  


The national figures emerging are 75% expected reading, 70% expected writing and 76% maths and 65% in R, W and M

