Children's Quotes
May 2023
'I like phonics because you get to learn new sounds' Millie Yr R
I like the playground because it is huge!' Emily Yr R
'I like the learning' Amira Yr 1
'I love listening to stories and playing in the playground' Emma Yr 1
'I like guided reading' Charlie Yr 1
'I look forward to school every day. I love every single lesson and can't choose the best'! Lily Beth Yr 5
'I love everything about school. I look forward to it every morning and my favourite lesson is art' Harry Yr 4
'I love everything but the worst is going home or not working'! Jacob Yr 4
'I love all of my friends' Lucy Yr 2
I love school because of the massive playground and the kind teachers' Ollie Yr 5
'I really like playing on the climbing frame and chatting with my friends'!
Bertie Yr 2
'The school is really beautiful' Missy Yr R
'They give us the best opportunities'
Alice Year 3
'I feel safe and feel like everyone is family'
Noah Year 4
'I love school because I get to see my friends and have fun'
Aurelia Yr 5
'I love everything about school. It is a wonderland everything is just perfect'! Noah Yr 4
'I Love learning about fractions'
Harry Yr 3
'I love geography and science'!
Sofia Yr 3
'I love swimming lessons because you get to go on the coach'!
Florence Yr 2
'I like PE, art and playing with my friends'
Natalie Yr 2
'I love my teachers and everything about school'
Cameron Yr 3
us going!
Positive Quotes to keep us going!
'Stay strong'
'Believe in yourself'
'Don't think of bad thoughts think of the happy ones'
Yr 5
'Be happy even when it's cloudy'
'Never doubt yourself'
'There's one thing people can't take from you and that is love'
Year 4
'Always be supportive'
'Be courageous even if you think you can't do it'.
'Always have fun even if sad things come your way'.
'Stand tall and be fabulous'
'Love is a 4 legged friend'
Year 4
'Be joyful'
'Don't be down on yourself'
'Be you'
'Reach for the Stars'
Year 5
'Have happy thoughts in your heart'
'You're amazing'
'Drink more water to give yourself a glow'
'Take time out for tea and cake'
Year 5
'You're great'
'Believe in yourself'
Never give up'
Always be happy'
Year 4