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Quality of Education

Teaching, Learning and Assessment

Exceptional teaching and learning to include:

1) Improve the pedagogical approaches to teaching foundation subjects 

2) Raise standards in writing so that more children will achieve greater depth 

3) Ensure there are consistent opportunities for children to respond to marking and feedback

4) Continue to raise standards in oracy across the school 


Personal Development

Behaviour, Attitudes, Welfare

1) Develop opportunities for pupils to be persistent in the face of difficulties so that they learn to manage disappointment well.

2) Implement effective strategies in the classrooms and school to help pupils manage anxiety

3) CPD for staff throughout the year to look at how we support children with resilience 

4) Continue to provide opportunities for children to be courageous advocates 


Leadership and Management

1) Develop the role of subject leaders 

2) Governors and leaders ensure that the school filtering and monitoring system is robust 

3) Planned opportunities for staff CPD throughout the year 

4) Pursue the opportunity of becoming an academy 

