School Logo

Results 2016-17

Early Years Data 2016-17

Our school data showed that 64% of our reception children achieved a good level of development compared to the national of 71%. All of our pupils made good to outstanding progress from their starting points.

Year 1 Phonics Data 2016-17

Our school data showed that 88% of the Year 1 children passed the phonic check .For Year 2 children 100% of the cohort passed by the end of 2017.


Key Stage 1 Data 2016-17

We are extremely pleased with our results this year and are proud to announce that:


79% of children achieved expected standard.  National figure is 76%


71% of children achieved expected standard in writing.  National figure is 69%


71% of children achieved expected standard in maths. National figure is 75%

Reading/ Writing/ Maths combined:

71% of children achieved expected standard in all three areas compared with emerging national figure of 64%

