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Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)
Over the last few years in education, there have been many strategic and important changes to help school staff to deliver and families, most importantly their children with SEND, to receive the care and support that need to progress within a new and evolving curriculum.


SEND Code of Practice 2014
The Children and Families Act 2014 brought with it changes to the way in which support is provided to children and young people in England with Special Educational Needs. A new SEND Code of Practice was implemented on the 1st September 2014 and this new system aims to put each young person and their family at the centre of discussions about the support offered. The code of practice can be found using the link at the bottom of the page. 
The Local Offer – ‘Ordinarily Available’
In response to the new Code of Practice, Local Authorities must publish a ‘local offer’ – the things that their schools/services will offer to SEN pupils and their parents. Worcestershire County Council are using the phrase ‘Ordinarily Available’ to describe the minimum entitlement of SEND pupils in mainstream schools. Further information about the ‘local offer’ can be accessed using the link at the bottom of the page. 


The School Offer – SEND Information Report
A SEND Information Report details the provision on offer at Church Lench CE VC First School and ensures that the requirements of the above documents are met. 
The following information can be found in the report:

  • What are Special Educational Needs and Disabilities?
  • How do we identify Special Educational Needs in pupils?
  • How do we involve parents in their children’s education?
  • How do we involve pupils with SEND with their learning?
  • How do we assess and monitor the progress of pupils with SEND?
  • How do we support transition for pupils with SEND?
  • How do we approach the teaching of pupils with SEND?
  • What expertise and staff training is available to support pupils with SEND?
  • What complaints procedures are in place for parents of pupils with SEND?
  • Named contacts for SEN.

SEND Information Report 2024
