How we teach Religious Education at Church Lench C E First School
At Church Lench C E First School we recognise the vital importance of Religious Education (RE) in our increasingly multicultural society. Our RE curriculum is in line with the Worcestershire Agreed Syllabus supplemented by the Understanding Christianity Resource. We take an approach which encourages our pupils to enquire, become informed, and reflect on their learning in RE. Children’s growing knowledge of religion - particularly Christianity, adding Judaism, Hinduism and Islam as they get older - is nurtured alongside an exploration of their own responses to life’s big issues. We recognise that each child needs the space and time to grow in their own identity and spirituality, and our children are encouraged to share their own thoughts and beliefs, whilst respecting those of others. We see our pupils as researchers who can express what they have learned in a wide variety of ways, including drama and role play, music, art, discussion, and written and oral presentations.
Class 1, 2 and 3
All classes have weekly R.E. lessons based on the units in the Worcestershire Agreed Syllabus. Every unit of work involves the children making sense of a text or a range of religious and non-religious beliefs, understanding the impact and significance of these beliefs and making connections between beliefs, concepts, practices and ideas studied. We supplement these lessons with visits to our Church, Singer's Hill Synagogue and the Shri Venkateswara temple as well as visits to school from people of different faiths. We also have regular R.E. days planned into our curriculum where we look in depth at Harvest, Christmas, Easter and Pentecost.