School Recovery Plan Summary 2020-21
Following the lock down of all schools in March we have a recovery plan in place that will be followed this year.
Teaching, Learning and Assessment
- Classroom environments provide an exciting, stimulating although calm atmosphere to learn in
- Rich opportunities for problem solving and reasoning in maths to deepen learning to continue
- Critical thinking skills developed in all areas of the curriculum to continue
- PSHE will be taught from September 2020 with guidance from PSHE lead and tailored towards individual classes. New PSHE curriculum to be introduced in January 2021 after consultation with parents in autumn term 2020.
- Assessment of children’s knowledge and skills to be reviewed at the end of the autumn term if lockdown has not occurred again. Teachers will use the school Epiphany tracker. Pupil progress meetings to be scheduled each term and reviewed as necessary.
- Quality, focused interventions will be provided 2-3 weeks into the school term and planned by the SENDco, class teachers and head. Two members of staff will be working with targeted children throughout the week on a 1:1 or small group basis to revisit key skills in reading, spelling and number.
Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare
- British Values continue to be woven throughout whole curriculum and children can talk about how these impact their own lives.
- PSHE to be taught for at least an hour per week to address any emotions, feelings and strategies to support.
- PE and exercise to play a vital part of positive mental health and well being. Ensure children are provided with opportunities in school to exercise between lessons e.g brain breaks or wake and shake, the daily half or mile around school grounds and competition withing own classes for sport with PE coach e.g netball, football, cricket, rounders.
- To use 10 Keys to Happier Living by Vanessa King focusing on giving, relating, exercising, awareness, trying out, direction, resilience, emotions, acceptance and meaning. Use these for C worship and class discussions.
Outcomes for Pupils
- Reception intake this year .baseline will be addressed during the first few weeks of autumn term.
- Access Speech and language training from Bengeworth Academy to train staff and support children with speech and language needs.
- Challenge and extension is provided during the lessons for pupils to work on and show progress
- Rich quality texts deepen understanding of vocabulary and grammar
- Provision of rich mathematical problem solving and reasoning in planning and lessons
- Children to independently and confidently access strategies and methods to assist them in solving mathematical problems
- Class environments set up for children to access resources independently and prepared for active learning.
Leadership and Management
- New governors to be trained in role
- Training for new safeguarding governor including SCR
- Skill set of governors to be distributed
- Governors to be continued to be trained in learning walks
- SIAMS governor sub- committee to meet and training accessed from diocese where possible.
- SIA to meet with headteacher in October/ November to discuss priorities and how the school is on the road to recovery with clear aims and targets for pupils.
- Meet with colleagues from collaboration schools to ensure that curriculum skills are taught correctly in first and middle schools.
- Prepare for another lockdown at some point…ensure all parents are set up for online learning and that they will need to play their part in making sure children access as much as possible if this happens in the future. Communicate this with parents and ensure that all families are set up for a future situation.
Early Years
- Ensure outstanding progress from relative starting points (baseline assessment) for the youngest children is made in all 17 areas of learning in order to maximise the percentage of pupils achieving the GLD by the end of Reception year;
- Continue to raise standards in core areas of learning especially early reading, writing and to ensure standards are maintained and continue to rise.
- Target gross and fine motor skills in the outdoor area
- Tapestry will be used to communicate with parents and will continue with Year 1 for the year.
- Ensure that an effective transition has taken place for children starting after lockdown.
School Development Plan 2019-20 Summary
1. Teaching, Learning and Assessment
- Assessment system in place for History and Art emerging, expected, exceeding for each year group.
- Reading environment in classrooms promotes literature and love of rich quality texts. It will be a feature of the classroom. Class environments and resources are high priority to promote learning.
- The library will be well organised using the dewey system and children will understand how to access the system independently.
- Children will be able to solve mathematical problems using a variety of methods and strategies. They will be given many opportunities to challenge and deepen their thinking skills and reason with others.
- Children will visit a different town centre in the spring term and compare and contrast to Church Lench. They will meet up with pupils from an urban school.
2. Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare
- Eco council set up by TA and meetings on regular basis about enhancing the school grounds and saving energy and looking after the environment.
- PSHE assessment of concepts and skills will be researched and discussed in detail with staff. Begin to organize a system for each class/ Key Stage
- SRE policy updated and delivered in line with new guidance. Ensure concepts being taught in each year group.
- Marking policy reviewed-teacher's well being
- Staff have continuous CPD to support mental health and well being and feel valued and inspired to teach.
- Two teachers will be able to spot the signs of mental health in children and develop training for all staff. They will understand how to address particular issues.
- Children enjoy tournaments and team games as a way to keep fit and cope with winning and losing. Building resilience and having a go at new sports and opportunities in school to increase wellbeing
3. Outcomes for Pupils
- Clear sequence for learning in books and lessons
- Clear feedback for pupils which is not onerous for teachers
- Challenge and extension is provided during the lessons for pupils to work on and show progress
- Rich quality texts deepen understanding of vocabulary and grammar
- Provision of rich mathematical problem solving and reasoning in planning and lessons
- Children to independently and confidently access strategies and methods to assist them in solving mathematical problems
- Classroom environments to be relevant, exciting and supportive in assisting children’s development e.g phonemes, 100 squares, number lines
- Classroom environments to reflect high standards and expectations
4. Leadership and Management
- Health and Safety governor trained to ensure audits are robust every 6 months
- Safeguarding training and safer recruitment is completed to ensure robust procedures are followed.
- Skill sets are used effectively across the governing body so that the school thrives under the best possible management
- Governors monitor their area once a year following the schedule and are trained by the headteacher in learning walks.
- SIAMs sub committee will be able to lead the Christian vision, ethos and be able to communicate the school’s effectiveness to stakeholders.
5. Early Years
- High expectations are set; the youngest children achieve well across a wide range of curriculum areas and are well prepared for the National Curriculum on transition to KS1.
- Early reading will be a key priority with a focus on rich and repetitive texts, phonics and resourcing the environment with key vocabulary and signs.
- New resources in the outside area are used effectively and creatively. Children will independently access resources to enhance their play and provision
- Creative and meaningful writing resources for pupils to use and develop fine motor skills.
- Gross and fine motor skills will develop and hand eye coordination will improve.