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Curriculum Overview

At Church Lench C E First School we follow the Worcestershire Agreed Syllabus which you can look at in the document above. We have carefully planned a 2 year rolling cycle for each class shown below.

 Autumn 1Autumn 2Spring 1Spring 2Summer 1Summer 2

Class 1

Cycle A

F6 What times/stories are special and why?

F2 Why is Christmas special to Christians



1. 1 What do Christians believe God is like?


1. 5 Why does Easter Matter to Christians?

1. 9 How should we care for the world and for others, and why does it matter?  (C, J, NR)

F5 What places are special to us?


Class 1

Cycle B

F4 Being Special: where do we belong?

UC Why do Christians perform Nativity plays at Christmas

1. 8 What makes some places sacred to believers? (C, M)


UC Why do Christians put a cross in an Easter garden?


1.10 What does it mean to belong to a faith community?



F1 Why is the word ‘God’ important to Christians?


Class 2

Cycle A


L2. 2 What is it like for someone to follow God?


L2. 3 What is the ‘Trinity’ and why is it important for Christians?

1. 7 Who is Jewish and how do they live?

1. 7 Who is Jewish and how do they live?


L2. 5 Why do Christians call the day Jesus died ‘Good Friday’?

L2. 7 What do Hindus believe God is like?


Class 2 

Cycle B


1. 2 Who do Christians say made the world?


1. 4 What is the ‘good news’ Christians believe Jesus brings?

1. 6 Who is a Muslim and how do they live? Part 1.


L2. 4 What kind of world did Jesus want?

1. 6 Who is a Muslim and how do they live? Part 2.

L2. 11 How and why do people mark the significant events of life? (C, H, NR)

Class 3

Cycle A


L2. 1 What do Christians learn from the Creation Story


U2. 1 What does it mean if Christians believe God is holy and loving?

U2. 9 Why is the Torah so important to Jewish people?

SALVATION U2.7What did Jesus do to

save human beings?

U2. 11 Why do some people believe in God and some people not?  (C, NR)

L2. 8 What does it mean to be a Hindu in Britain today?

Class 3

Cycle B

U2. 12 How does faith help people when life gets hard?


U2. 3 Why do Christians believe Jesus was the Messiah?

L2. 9 How do festivals and worship show what matters to a Muslim?


U2. 4 Christians and how to live: What would Jesus do?


L2. 6 For Christians, when Jesus left, what was the impact of Pentecost?

U2. 8 What does it mean to be a Muslim in Britain today?
