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Autumn 2024

Autumn 2 2024

Welcome back to school after the half term holiday. Our new topic is called 'Autumn and festivals' and we have lots of exciting learning coming up!

Please follow the links below to the half term plan of learning and the half term letter from the teachers:

Our forest school dates for this half term are:

Monday 11th November

Monday 18th November

Monday 25th November

Monday 2nd December

Monday 9th December

Please come to school on these dates wearing your old clothes with your waterproofs and suitable footwear in a separate bag. 

There are lots of festivals at this time of year. We have been learning all about the Hindu festival of light called Diwali. The children heard the story of Rama and Sita where good wins over evil. They enjoyed acting it out with their friends. They also made Diva lights that were used to welcome Rama and Sita home.

We learnt all about Bonfire night. We heard the story of Guy Fawkes and his failed plot to blow up the Houses of Parliament with King James inside. The children acted this out beautifully! They also enjoyed making firework pictures with paint, pastels and loose parts. 

Autumn 1 2024

Welcome to Class 1 for the first part of the autumn term!

We are very excited to welcome back familiar faces as well as some brand new faces in Class 1! We have a lovely half term of activities planned for our new topic, 'Marvellous me!' .

Please follow the links below to our half term letter and topic map:

We have enjoyed playing with our new friends in the classroom and on the playground.

The children in Reception have started their Friday number of the week by learning all about zero!

In our English lessons, we have read the story of 'The Tiger Who Came to Tea'. The children enjoyed acting out the story with their friends. 

We have been learning about our bodies. We started off by naming body parts and then we thought about what is inside our bodies. 

The 'Rock Steady' band leader Kris, kindly gave us a lesson. We had a go at playing the instruments and singing together. It was a lot of fun!

We had a whole day of art where we looked at self portraits. We had a go at lots of different activities:

-We looked at some famous self portraits

-Looked at our face shapes and drew them

-Mixed and painted our skin colour

-Practised drawing our facial features

-Drew and painted our features onto our finished piece!

They look AMAZING!

We had great fun playing lots of busy and noisy games with the giant parachute! We especially loved trying to get all of the balls to fly off!
