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Results 2022-23

Early Years Data 2022-23

Each child represents 8%

Our school data this year shows that 75% of the reception cohort achieved a good level of development. The national estimate result is 67% 


Year 1 Phonics Data 2022-23

Each child represents 8%

87% of our Year 1 cohort passed the phonic check compared with the emerging national of 79.5%.


Key Stage 1 Year 2 Data 2022-23

Each child represents 8% 

80% of our Year 2 cohort achieved expected standard or above in reading with 20% achieving greater depth  

53% of our Year 2 cohort achieved the expected standard or above in writing with 0% achieving greater depth

73% of our Year 2 cohort achieved the expected standard or above in maths with 20% achieving greater depth 


The national figures emerging for reading are 68% expected with 18% greater depth, for writing 59% expected and 7.5% greater depth and for maths 70% maths expected and 15.6% greater depth.
