Quality of Education
Teaching, Learning and Assessment
Progress and Outcomes
Exceptional teaching and learning to include: 1) Opportunities for answering big questions in all curriculum areas and encouraging courageous advocacy linked to important issues in the world. 2)Pupils to make links with other subjects whole class floor books to capture learning so they can discuss what they learn. Pupil voice to be explored and encouraged in all year groups.
3)Opportunities for high quality problem solving and reasoning in maths and other curriculum areas where mathematical links can be made.
4)Embedding high quality sequences of learning especially in writing
5)Teaching of whole class and guided reading is taught using a variety of ways to assess the skills of retrieval and inference.
6)Ensure curriculum coverage is working in all classes and that 2 year rolling programme is working and suitable for each class and that we have a broad and balanced curriculum.
7)Curriculum foundation subjects are assessed half termly or end of the teaching and learning and communicated to the subject leader who will monitor and record progress. Personal Development Behaviour, Attitudes, Welfare 1) Begin eco committee to work on school targets for resourcefulness and well being ...Bronze Flag |
2) Embed the PSHE curriculum across all year groups and create a basic assessment format.
3) Start lunchtime clubs with experienced sports TA to develop health, fitness and wellbeing of all pupils and to introduce them to new sports.
4)Introduce playground games as a way of inclusion, fun and fitness using new signs for outdoors…staff to teach children games.
5)Ensure the teaching of resilience and perseverance which are key areas of our vision are continually planned for and that children are able to self-regulate and use strategies to help them in challenging circumstances.
6) Explore Pupil voice and encourage children to talk about their learning and school curriculum. Leadership and Management 1) Develop use of Pixl school assessment and resource programme to enable teachers to access high quality CPD for subject areas and pedagogy.
2) HT and subject leads to monitor their areas of the curriculum and report strengths and areas for development in line with the school vision where we have high aspirations and expectations, develop and foster independence, confidence and resilience. Interviews will be planned to evaluate the use of PIXL CPD and what teachers have used and tried to enhance their teaching styles and engage learners in a variety of ways.
3)Embed governor monitoring for all subject areas and policies in line with the strong Christian vision and continue with the reporting system for parents and staff.
4)Develop role of 3 SIAMS governors to oversee RE, Collective Worship and Christian ethos and distinctiveness. Monitoring to take place 6 times a year with 2 areas monitored per term.
5) Develop and strengthen the collaboration between 2 local schools
6)To ensure that collective worship is well planned by HT and that a worship committee is set up so that children take ownership of worship.
7)Develop role of support staff through coaching using a local advisor.
8)Form a school council, head boy and head girl to support the staff making decisions in school and wider community.
9) Research DFE validated phonics programmes for spring 2022. See EYFS 10)Books in library are audited and matched to phonics code and correctly banded. Books are used correctly through teaching and sending home to reinforce sound |
Early Years
1)New curriculum
4)Characteristics of Learning
6)Access relevant training
7)Phonics scheme bought in to ensure consistency for Reception and Year 1 pupils. Floppy Phonics across both year groups.