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Governor Monitoring Reports

The purpose of governance is to provide confident and strong strategic leadership which leads to robust accountability, oversight and assurance for educational and financial performance.


All governance boards, no matter what type of school or how many schools they govern, have three core functions


• Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;

• Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff; and

• Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.

Governors at Church Lench CE First School are responsible for monitoring the school development plan and ensuring that the vision and expectations are effective. They are responsible for holding the school to account on progress, achievement and delivering a broad and balanced curriculum. Governors are given a timetable by the headteacher during the autumn term and arrange their visits with the subject leader and headteacher. They have a proforma to follow when undertaking learning visits and a report to issue to parents. 

Governor Monitoring Report March 2024 Jo Somers Christian Distinctiveness

Governor Monitoring EYFS February 2024

Governor Monitoring Report EYFS July 2023 Mrs M Barlow

Governor Monitoring Report May 2023 Writing D Ferguson

Governor Monitoring Report Curriculum Jo Sommers March 2023

Governor Monitoring report January 2023 Early Years Maggie Barlow

Governor Monitoring report December 2022 Courageous Advocacy Jo Sommers

Governor Monitoring Collective Worship Rev. Canon Thorniley November 2022

Governor Monitoring Oracy Derek Ferguson November 2022

Governor Monitoring Pupil premium Spend Jon Huxley July 2022

Governor Monitoring Safeguarding 2022 Emma Buckingham

Governor Monitoring Report Collective Worship June 2022 Reverend Canon Richard

Governor Feedback and Monitoring Form Christian Distinctiveness June 2022 by Jo Sommers

Governor monitoring Form April 2022 RE by Derek Ferguson

Governor Monitoring Report Online Safety February 2022

Governor Monitoring Report Reading and Phonics February 2022

Governor Monitoring Report Assessment February 2022

Governor Monitoring Report Early Years December 2021 Mrs M Barlow

Governor Monitoring Form November 2021 Collective Worship

Governor Monitoring Report SEND November 2021

Governor Monitoring Form Maths November 2021 Dr Saskia Bakker

Governor Monitoring Report Christian Distinctiveness Jo Sommers October 2021

Governor Monitoring Report PE Budget July 2021 By Mrs N Gossage

Governor Monitoring Form PSHE July 2021 Mrs E Buckingham

Governor Monitoring Form SEND May 2021 Dr S Bakker

Assessment and Progress Monitoring Report March 2021 Derek Ferguson

Governor Monitoring report Maths December 2020 Dr S Bakker

Safeguarding Monitoring Report Emma Buckingham November 2020

Safeguarding Monitoring Mr J Hazelwood January 2020

Assessment Monitoring December 2019 Mr D Ferguson
Health and Safety Monitoring  November 2019 Mrs N Gossage
English Monitoring November 2019 Mr D Ferguson 

Maths Monitoring October 2019 Dr S Bakker
